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Good God: God's Glory

Writer: SWAGG DevotionsSWAGG Devotions

Part 2 of SWAGG's August series about how good our God is to us

Yesterday, I walked out of church and the intensity of the sun hit me. It wasn't that hot, but the brightness was blinding even to the point of pain. Additionally, the rising and setting of the sun, like the one from the picture, can make a breathtaking scene.

The moon and stars also can put us in awe of their beauty, but they don't deserve our wonder. See, in 1 Corinthians 15:41, this beauty is consider their glory. Since, they were created, like everything else in the world, by God - they received this glory from Him.

God loves to help us to understand Him better and feel His presence more. A way that He does this is by placing a small amount of His characteristics in His creation (Romans 1:20). What we see from the sun, moon, and stars is just a tiny glimpse of God's great glory.

God’s glory is hard to explain, it makes me speechless. However, through God’s divine direction and wording, people like John and Paul were able to write about it. Let’s reverently take a moment to experience it right here and now.

Through the Bible, we’re taught about the glory of God. Revelations gives an amazing picture of the appearance of God in all His glory. Reading this passage makes it clear that God’s glory is like no other. In Romans, it says that everyone falls short of God’s glory. We can’t even compare to a fraction of it and, by ourselves, would never be able to handle experiencing its wonder. Isaiah explains that God’s glory can fill the earth. Think about the immensity of that. We also see in Revelations that God’s glory replaces the need for all other light. The book of Hebrews tells us that Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory. Jesus brought this radiance to earth, and then to us, by giving us His Spirit. Furthermore, Psalms reflects on how creation declares God’s glory. Without any words, the sky, oceans, and so much else; share about God’s glory.

God’s glory is life changing to us in these ways: One, it gives us the ability to experience glorification. Right now, if you’re a Christian, you’re being sanctified, which just means the Holy Spirit is making your inner-self look more like Jesus. Then, when we’re in heaven, we’ll be given glory, because of Jesus being our life and living in us. Two, God’s glory is revealed to us through Jesus. We’re able to know the glory of God, because Jesus came down to earth to save us. When we spend time with Jesus, we get to see His gloriousness. Three, God’s glory provides us a constant guiding light. On earth, this light is what pushes away the darkness in our lives and shows us what to do next.

Here’s what not to do, knowing God’s glory: Hide from it – Jesus made it possible for us to see and experience God’s glory, for He has cleaned us up from both past and future sins. Believe we must use words to declare God’s glory – Our actions and attitudes can be more impactful to attesting to His glory. Do something haphazardly – We should do everything for God’s glory.

God’s Guidance:

Revelation 1:13-16 (NIV) – “and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.”

Romans 3:23 (NIV) – “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,”

Isaiah 6:3 (NIV) – “And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.””

Revelation 21:23 (NIV) – “The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.”

Hebrews 1:3 (NIV) – “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.”

Psalms 19:1-4 (NIV) – “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.”

Colossians 3:4 (NIV) – “When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.”

John 1:14 (NIV) – “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV) – “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”


1. Declare God’s glory through your actions, reactions, values, and attitude

2. Do everything with the intention of glorifying God

3. Call on God’s glory to push against the sin struggles and darkness in your life

Strength Point:

Even in all God’s majestic glory, Jesus has made it possible for us to, not just approach Him, but to do it in confidence – with respect, yet, without fear.

Reflection Question:

How do you remind yourself of God's great glory?

Prayer Prompt:

Hi Jesus! Thank You for Your great glory! All that You are and everything that You do is absolutely glorious. I’m sorry for when I take glory for myself or give it to someone or something else, for You, ultimately, deserve all glory, honor, and praise. Help me to realize that whatever beauty and wonder I get to see and experience here on earth is only a sliver in comparison to Your glory. I pray that my heart, soul, and mind would always be awestruck with reverence and respect for You. Let me be reminded of Your great glory continuously, especially when I __. Lord, I want to glorify You. I want to live in a way that inspires others to glorify You. I want to glorify You through __. I want to, in both good times and bad times, give You every single bit of glory – for all glory belongs to You. Thank You that even though Your glory is immense and powerful, You desire to talk and have a close relationship with me. I love You, my glorious Friend!

A Prayer to Pray Over Others:

Hi Jesus! Thank You for Your great glory! All that You are and everything that You do is absolutely glorious. Help us all, myself definitely included, to give You all the glory, instead of taking the glory for ourselves or giving it to someone or something else. For we know You, ultimately, deserve all glory, honor, and praise. Reveal to my friend that whatever beauty and wonder they get to see and experience here on earth is only a sliver in comparison to Your glory. I pray that their heart, soul, and mind would always be awestruck with reverence and respect for You. Let them be reminded of Your great glory continuously, especially when they’re struggling against opposition. Lord, help them to glorify You. Help them to live in a way that inspires others to glorify You. Help them to glorify You through hardships. Help them to, in both good times and bad times, give You every single bit of glory – for all glory belongs to You. I pray that we’d all have the desire to do these things. Thank You that even though Your glory is immense and powerful, You desire to talk and have a close relationship with all of us. I love You, my glorious Friend!


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