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R.E.S.T.: He Eases

Writer: SWAGG DevotionsSWAGG Devotions

Part 2 of SWAGG's June series about resting in God

Sometimes, I feel like this cloud, heavy and about to break. All of life's burdens seem to rest on me, and I must figure out how to handle them without causing a storm to erupt within me. However, we aren't meant to handle are problems and/or the needs of each day alone. This usually becomes apparent to me after I've broken down, which typically causes some type of small mess that the people around me have to help clean up.

God's plan though, is for us to let go of these burdens, give them to Him, and then to follow His lead step-by-step. God wants us to be a fluffy cloud that creates happiness, not a heavy one that threatens destruction.

I’ve always had bad posture. My parents tried to help me, as they worried that it would affect my growth. But learning to sit and walk straighter was uncomfortable. Training our hearts to take better postures can be uncomfortable as well. However, Jesus wants to help us in this, which leads to Him creating ease in our lives.

In Matthew, Jesus tells us to come to Him with our burdens. Years later, Peter says we should release ALL these burdens to Jesus, because He cares about us. Often, we come to Jesus with our burdens, but with a controlling grip – not a posture of release. The disciples, in a raging storm, cried out to Jesus to save them, for they’d realized He was the only one that could change the situation. Though, they didn’t have complete faith in Jesus’ power over nature, they still went to Him because they knew that if anyone did, He would. The people, of the time of Psalms 65, had a posture of amazement. They’d seen and were wowed by God’s easing powers over nature and humans.

God has the power to ease anything, we’ll just be looking at three things though: One, God eases burdens. Jesus promises that if we’ll take a posture of release, He’ll exchange our burdens for something better. This better thing is a life of partnership with Him, giving us a lighter load to carry as we journey with Him. Secondly, God eases storms. The world’s scary right now and it’s hard to see how these stormy events are going to let up. However, let’s be of greater faith than the disciples were, when they thought they were doomed, and fully realize God’s power to calm these storms. Last, God eases anger. This applies to the anger inside you, the anger of others, and even the anger of whole nations. He can stop and calm the words and actions caused by anger, changing them into ones that glorify Him.

Here’s what not to do to rest in God: Staying in the storm – God wants you to cry out for rescue. Picking problems back up – To release, you must totally remove your grip, it’s no longer yours. Trying to ease things by yourself – It’s hard to clean up a mess you’re in the middle of. You must realize that you don’t have the power or position to fix things, but that God does.

God's Guidance:

Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV) – ““Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.””

1 Peter 5:7 (NLT) – “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”

Matthew 8:25-27 (NIRV) – “The disciples went and woke him up. They said, “Lord! Save us! We’re going to drown!” He replied, “Your faith is so small! Why are you so afraid?” Then Jesus got up and ordered the winds and the waves to stop. It became completely calm. The disciples were amazed. They asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”“

Psalm 65:6-8 (NIRV) – “You formed the mountains by your power. You showed how strong you are. You calmed the oceans and their roaring waves. You calmed the angry words and actions of the nations. Everyone on earth is amazed at the wonderful things you have done. What you do makes people from one end of the earth to the other sing for joy.“


1. Release all your burdens and worries to God every time you begin to feel stressed.

2. Ask God to open your eyes to realize that He’s in control of everything.

3. Have conversations with God and let your heart bubble over with amazement for Him.

Strength Point:

The God of all creation is calling you to Him and is willing to take your burdens to exchange them for a partnership with Him.

Reflection Question:

Do you feel like a light, happy cloud that makes people smile and dream or a heavy cloud that others feel uncomfortable to be around?

Prayer Prompt:

Hi Jesus! Thank You for calling us to You and desiring to be near to us. You’re love and __ surrounds me and eases the problems of life. I’m sorry for choosing to live in the storm over just simply coming to You and truly releasing my troubles. Help me to realize that You’re able to __, You’re more powerful than anything I’ll ever face. Just Your words can dismantle all of my fears. I’m amazed by You, Your care for me, and Your calming force. Keep my mind and heart centered on You, not on the things that stress me. Please take my burdens and problems, Lord, I realize that You know what to do with them. Thank You for caring about every detail of my life, no one can love or care for me better than You already do. I love You forever!


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